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Monday, May 16, 2016

Role of colors in life and interior designing


In design color is everything .It can describe the
mood of website ,blog,output,house,office,and even a room.
It is so much fun picking out the color stand out color
combos because possibilities are endless .Some color you
may not think would pair nice but it would actually
make the other color stand out with each other

Creating a color scheme is
Essential to good design.Here are
Some fantastic tips to help you
perfect your color choices.
So we can select color combination through nature.

It is not only the plants and trees and their flowers and fruits which provide us with color, but also the many wonderful creatures who share this planet with us who contribute to the amazing color palette, and the planet herself.
What more dramatic colors could you ask for than the variations of the blues of the sky, the blue/greens of the oceans, and the reds and oranges of sunsets - to name but a few.

Nature is full of colors.
From our nature we can
combine different color
together to make better interior

Nature is full of colors
Nature is full of colors

When exploring some of the connections of Color Therapy and Nature, one of the most obvious is, of course, flowers. They are a very big part of the colors we are all used to seeing around us. Nature is full of healing energy and it is there for us all to share and to enjoy. We just need to look.

Same way it is very important to have the right color combination when we do interiors and exteriors for the house. Whether it is in terms of paint, furniture color, curtain selection, wall decors. Even some of the experts in interior designing they are particular about the bed sheets and sofa colors also.

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